Oscar Sunday is just around the corner and while the celebrities are preening for their 30-seconds on screen, we thought at F&H we should put out Oscars for California political performances so far this year.
Best Actor: Neel Kashkari, on the streets of Fresno (albeit a performance that the locals didn’t vote for)
Best Subtle Performance: Jerry Brown at his budget press conference assuring reporters Prop 30 taxes are temporary … or are they? See Joel’s column here and Dan Walters here both picking up the same thing, maybe there is some flexibility in the word “temporary.”
Best Imitation of Hamlet: Antonio Villaraigosa – Will he or won’t he run for the U.S. Senate?
Best Special Effects: Kevin de Leon’s swearing in as Pro Tem
Best Original Song: Kim Alexander and California Voter Foundation 2014 Proposition Song
Best Director: Ace Smith, making all the political actors move as he wishes
Best Editing: Nathan Fletcher, turning his war hero Republican movie into an independent film, then a mainstream Democratic one
Best Adapted Screenplay: Prop 2, with spare parts from previous rainy day fund attempts
Best Supporting Actor: Sutter Brown
Best Costume (to Prove this is Not 1980 California): Proposed ballot measures to reverse English Only, require condoms in porn films, and legalize marijuana
Surprise Newcomer of the Year: Assemblywoman Patty Lopez
Most Surprising Performance: Leland Yee, really was there any doubt?