Fox and Hounds Daily Says Goodbye

With this article, we end publication of Fox and Hounds Daily. It has been a satisfying 12½ year run. When we opened in May 2008, our site was designed to offer an opportunity to those who wished to engage in public debate on many issues, especially in politics and business, but found it difficult to […]
Black Bart Winners for 2020—The Crisis and the Chief Responder

Covid-19 pockmarked California’s political landscape like no politician or ballot measure ever could. It ended or damaged lives, put a dagger into the heart of a healthy economy, it disrupted well planned political agendas, it shrunk government budgets and shocked the day-to-day life of all Californians. It could not be ignored. Neither could the person […]
Black Bart Nominee Devastated the Year for All Californians

In attempting to decide what action or actor on the California political scene had the greatest effect on the state’s policy and politics, naturally, you first think of politicians. None stands out more than Governor Gavin Newsom. He has been in the center of the crisis management dealing with outside disasters with the pandemic and […]
Why isn’t Gov. Newsom Going Toe-to-Toe with Texas over Business Losses?

Granted, Gov. Gavin Newsom has a lot on his plate now, but hasn’t he noticed the flow of business leaving California is turning into a tidal wave? Many, especially big brand name companies, are headed to Texas. Newsom should fight against the loss. But unlike when Gov. Jerry Brown took on Texas governor Rick Perry […]
Black Bart Award for California Politics 2020
For the past eleven years frequent contributors to this page Joe Mathews, John Wildermuth and I have nominated candidates for Californian of the Year in the world of politics. This year, as last, we will be joined by Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, long time journalist for NBC in Los Angeles and former professor at USC’s Sol […]
Poll Shows Support for Government Funded Economic Advancement Programs, But Not How to Pay for Them

Polling offers snapshots of voters’ thinking but is frequently frustrating because while certain information is revealed the pollsters don’t have the time to dig deeper into issues that might change the reflexive attitudes expressed in answering the initial question. Yet, polls are often used by politicians as foundations to suggest new programs and spending. This […]
Becerra Confirmation; An Old Issue for a New AG; Elimination of Cash Bail?

Xavier Becerra’s selection as Health and Human Services Secretary could face a bumpy ride in the senate confirmation process if the Republicans capture a majority of the senate. The California Attorney General has already been challenged by some Republican senators for his position over the years in both Congress and as California’s top attorney on […]
A Perspective on Police Reform

The way to achieve police reform is to have the rank-and-file officer core buy into reforms. That was the message during a panel discussion at Cal State LA’s Pat Brown Institute’s annual conference looking post-election, “Where do we go from here?” But it will take not only the police to accept reforms but for the […]
Proposed Drastic Cuts to LAPD Could Settle the Defund the Police Debate

When Los Angeles City Administrative Officer Rich Llewellyn suggested that the LAPD might have to cut 10% of its force, or 951 officers, due to a pandemic induced budget crunch the defund the police advocates cheered. If this cut actually happens—and cutting police is an old “cry wolf” strategy to secure new funds that is […]
Holiday Season Won’t Be So Merry for Small Business with New Shutdown Order

You’d have to forgive small business if they look at the state government as a magician who offers a bouquet of flowers that suddenly turns into a bird that flies beyond their grasp. On Monday, the governor announced a program to boost small business during the pandemic with access to grants, low-interest loans, tax deferrals, […]