Closing the Tax Loophole for Charter Cities
In 1986, California voters passed Proposition 62, which among other things, closed some loopholes in Prop. 13 and mandated a local agency’s legislative body obtain a two-thirds vote in order to place new or higher general taxes on their local ballot. It was a successful state initiative designed to make it more difficult to increase taxes at […]
Elections in Anaheim: Getting it Right by Engaging the Community
Crossposted on OCRegister Over the past several weeks, there has been a very public dialogue questioning how the City of Anaheim is governed and whether the current system should be changed. The media stories following the city’s special meeting on August 8 were rife with sensational headlines claiming that the Council majority had rejected or […]
Building to Anaheim’s Future
There has been an uproar in the City of Anaheim in recent weeks over the use (or reduction) of hotel bed taxes to generate economic activity in the city’s resort area. I was one of three council members who recently voted for an agreement to reduce Transit Occupancy Taxes (TOT) to secure a $285 million […]