Barbara Boxer decried the loss of manufacturing jobs to other states and other countries, but the exodus of American manufacturing jobs has much to do with her job-killing policies that have made it harder and more costly for manufacturers to operate in the United States.
Boxer voted for more than $1 trillion in higher taxes, she voted for a health care bill that actually jeopardizes the benefits manufacturers offer our employees and she championed a cap-and-trade bill that threatened to kill 850,000 jobs in just five years. Boxer also voted against the free trade agreements that would have helped open up new markets for our country’s manufacturing companies. Barbara Boxer’s newfound interest in fighting for manufacturers is the epitome of election-year pandering, and California manufacturers simply won’t stand for it.
If our state’s manufacturers want an advocate in the U.S. Senate, then they must retire Barbara Boxer and elect Carly Fiorina. Carly recognizes the disastrous results of Boxer’s policies and has pledged instead to fight for policies that help grow manufacturing jobs in the United States. That means cutting taxes, reducing the burden of costly regulations, and providing incentives to make the U.S. a competitive place to operate.
Implementing these policies will take more than words at a press conference in an election. It will take standing up for manufacturers on the floor of Congress with real votes. That’s why Carly Fiorina has the full support of California’s only statewide manufacturing association."