The May Revise may have just gotten underway, but taxfighters have come out swinging against Governor Jerry Brown and his Union friends.
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association announced today it has made a Statewide radio buy urging Californians to reject the Governor’s plan for massive tax increases. While it’s not unusual for organizations to take to the airwaves, it is unusual this early in a season that doesn’t yet have a special election on the calendar. A sign that Brown may have one heck of an uphill fight ahead of him.
The radio spot highlights the state of California’s status as “worst” in a variety of categories – “worst place to do business” in America, among the worst tax climates, worst housing market, worst jobless rate, and more. The ad also highlights Governor Brown’s billion-dollar sweetheart deal with the prison guards’ union earlier this month, which has taxpayer advocates fuming.
The spot can be heard here.
The campaign will run in targeted markets including Los Angeles, Central Valley, Inland Empire, San Diego, Sacramento, and some coastal communities.