Vote Sends Mixed Message on Growth
Measure A, the initiative that would have limited development in San Diego County, was narrowly defeated by local voters – handing homebuilders, local REALTORS® and other supporters a victory on the issue of regional growth. But, voters ultimately sent a mixed signal by also defeating Measure B, which was on the same ballot to allow […]
Governor Deems Construction as “Essential”
It’s every elected official’s dream to be in a position of ultimate power – dictating to a manifestly needy electorate what it can do and when. Incidentally, the longer that authority lasts, the better for the politicians. This power-hungry desire knows no jurisdictional or partisan boundaries, either. Legislative bodies – including the U.S. Congress […]
A Happy Compromise on Solar
Hooray! State policy-makers finally did the right thing for housing affordability. California’s energy regulators recently approved a proposal to power several new-home developments in the Sacramento region using offsite solar systems instead of individual rooftop panels, as the law now requires. In a recent meeting of the California Energy Commission (CEC), the five-member authority decided […]
Why Further Compromise on SB 50 is a Bad Idea
California lawmakers are good at cutting deals on legislation. They’re famous (or infamous) for it. Especially when there is a lot of pressure on them. They happen to be under that kind of pressure now. State legislators deserve to be under pressure. For 30 years California has failed to produce enough housing – to keep […]
Growth Control on March Ballot
You’d think that in the middle of a state housing crisis – brought on by a woeful and sustained low level of production – elected leaders would be doing everything in their power to reverse it. But, if you’re a resident of San Diego County you would be wrong. Terribly wrong. Indeed, the southern part […]
Climate Change: Moving from Fear to Shame
It’s apparent that fear of impending doom caused by climate change hasn’t moved the public-opinion needle. Pollsters tell us the issue is not viewed as a great problem or isn’t troubling most Americans. In fact, according to the Gallup organization, global climate change doesn’t even make the top 10 of matters vexing national voters – […]
Governor’s Housing Promises Fail to Produce
A Governor’s Budget summary always boasts more than it has delivered, as well as what it promises to deliver in the future. Governor Newsom’s description of the 2020-2021 Budget – his second effort – is no exception to that truism. The budget document’s so-called “A” pages, summarizing next year’s fiscal blueprint, are full of wishful […]
Governor’s Homeless Proposal is All Wrong
As sure as California has an exploding homeless problem, it’s almost a certainty that our state and local leaders – elected and otherwise – don’t have a clue as how to deal with it. To wit, Joel Fox, in this space recently, conducted an excellent examination of Governor Newsom’s pre-budget plan to spend nearly $1.5 […]
Wrong-Headed Policy Makes Housing Problem Worse
Faced with a true housing supply and affordability crisis, local governments around the state are acting on impulse and adopting horrible policies. Thinking they can arrest today’s escalating home prices and rising rents, they are enacting new “fix it” laws wily nilly, without considering their long-term consequences for underlying housing markets. Single-family zoning restrictions, rent […]
If Gavin Really Wanted to Solve the Housing Problem
In recent times, the Legislature has passed several bills to deal with the state’s vexing housing problem – to no avail. The California Department of Housing (HCD) is simply a toothless advocate so long as the Department of Finance (DOF) is calling the shots. The state’s housing finance agencies – the Treasurer’s Tax Credit Allocation […]