Lowe’s Lawsuit: The Definition of Insanity
Recently, a Superior Court Judge named Paul M. Haakenson (Republican, appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger) in Marin County laid out the terms of a settlement order and final judgment against Lowe’s on how it must label building products in California. The settlement came as a result of a case involving claims by the Marin County district attorney, Edward […]
Is Litigation Costing You Your Kid’s Education?
As Californians prepare to send their children back to school, local school districts are preparing to welcome students, teachers, and staff back into the classroom. In recent years, however, high litigation costs have contributed to cutbacks in school budgets placing added pressure on the budgets of school districts, parents and teachers. California Citizens Against Lawsuit […]
What’s the Deal with Cities and Counties Hiring Contingency Fee Lawyers?
I get that cities and counties in this economy are struggling, but it seems like lately they are willing to sue just about anyone. Is this a new scheme? Taxation through litigation? Who benefits from the public sector suing the private sector? Santa Clara County seems to be leading the charge. Back in 2000, Santa […]
Big Victory Against Excessive Privacy Litigation
I’ve often said that the next tsunami of litigation will be in the area of privacy. There is always talk about a privacy initiative and there are normally numerous bills in the state legislature dealing with the issue. So I was happily surprised when I read that a state appellate court ordered the dismissal of […]
97% of Contributions to Yes on 46 are from Trial Lawyers
Since the formation of the committee in support of Proposition 46, donations have come almost exclusively from lawyers who stand to profit from its passage. This is not surprising, considering the trial lawyers spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to qualify Proposition 46 for the ballot. The committee has raised just over $4 million, with […]
AB 2171: Another Effort by Plaintiff’s Lawyers to Find New Ways to Sue
There are many reasons that California is ranked as the #1 Judicial Hellhole in the United States, including widespread abusive ADA lawsuits,shakedown Proposition 65 lawsuits or food litigation. But if some legislators get their way, things could get even worse. I’m referring to AB 2171, introduced by Assemblyman and Chairman of the Assembly Judiciary Committee Bob Wieckowski. If passed and […]
Supreme Court Decision in Defibrillators Case Good News for CA Businesses
Recently, the California Supreme Court ruled that large retailers such as Target have no legal obligation to keep defibrillators on hand for customers stricken by heart attacks or other medical emergencies. This decision came as a result of a lawsuit brought on behalf of a Southern California family against Target after a woman collapsed in one of […]
Legislative Update: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
CALA works with the Civil Justice Association of California (CJAC) to support legal reform in the legislature. For the 2013-2014 legislative season, CALA and CJAC have seen some attempts at legislative reforms – and some bills that would expand opportunities for abusive lawsuits. Although we are only half way through the session, things are looking […]
California #1 Riskiest State for Employee Lawsuits
While there are a lot of reasons California has been the #1 Judicial Hellhole for two years running, how we deal with employment lawsuits is one reason we will probably stay at the top of the list for a third straight year. According to a new study by Hiscox, on average, a United States-based business with at least […]
2013 Prop. 65 Private Settlement Summary Shows Widespread Lawsuit Abuse Continues
Every year the Attorney General’s office releases an annual summary of the private settlements of Proposition 65 cases brought by private plaintiffs. The office has been doing this since 2000 and the summaries are based on reports submitted to the Attorney General as required by law. The summary shows total penalties, attorney fees, other funds collected, and […]