Holiday Season Won’t Be So Merry for Small Business with New Shutdown Order

You’d have to forgive small business if they look at the state government as a magician who offers a bouquet of flowers that suddenly turns into a bird that flies beyond their grasp. On Monday, the governor announced a program to boost small business during the pandemic with access to grants, low-interest loans, tax deferrals, […]

Is It Too Early to Talk About the 2022 Governor’s Race?

With the 2020 election now ended already the 2022 California election is getting attention so I may as well jump in and take a look at the governor’s race. Conjecturing about a political campaign so far in the future and basing some of the thinking on current circumstances is not political science. But as long […]

Eric Garcetti’s Rocky Road

The political road can suddenly turn from smooth to rocky and Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has lately hit a lot of bumps. That may keep him from an opportunity to move into the new Democratic administration in Washington. Perception is an important ingredient in measuring politicians and when those around the politician are charged […]

Is Gavin Newsom Vulnerable?

November was not a good mouth for Gov. Gavin Newsom.  He was ridiculed for his $350 dinner at Napa’s French Laundry while he was shutting down restaurants for the rest of us.  His children attend private school while public schools are shut down.  His employment department is sending federal bailout checks to convicted murderers. But […]

New LA County Virus Lockdown; Going to the Dogs

New coronavirus restrictions go into effect in Los Angeles County today and I’m left wondering if I can walk my dog in the park with other dog walkers. Coronavirus restrictions are more complicated than they appear at first blush; certainly more challenging for the populace that is supposed to obey them than for the bureaucrats […]

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Editors at Fox and Hounds Daily wish you a very safe and healthy celebration of the Thanksgiving Holiday!

Feinstein Steps Down; A Sign the Political Divide is Still Wide

What to make of California Senator Dianne Feinstein stepping down from potential chairmanship or ranking-member position in the Senate Judiciary Committee? Democratic Party progressives will claim victory by forcing Feinstein from a leadership role because of heavy criticism against the way she conducted herself during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh and Amy […]

Prioritizing Small Business

“Taxes on capital, taxes on labor, inflation, bureaucratic regulation, minimum wage laws, are all – to different degrees – unnecessary slices of the wedge that stand between an individual’s effort and reward for that effort.” – Jack Kemp During Governor Newsom’s November 16th press conference, where he announced that he would pull the “emergency brake” […]

Major Issue Behind Prop 15 Ignored During Campaign

An expensive, high profile proposition campaign was played out over many months leading to the November election and nary a word was spoken by either side on one of the chief underlying reasons that the measure existed. In large part, Proposition 15, the business property tax increase, was about public employee pensions. Pension costs are […]